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Heng Yang on Certifiable Outlier-Robust Geometric Perception | Toronto AIR Seminar
Fall 2021 GRASP Seminar - Heng Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NeurIPS 2020: One Ring to Rule Them All: Certifiably Robust Geometric Perception with Outliers
MIT 3 Minute Thesis 2021 - Heng Yang
RSS 2020 tutorial - Certifiable Robot Perception: from Global Optimization to Safer Robots
Heng Yang | Controls Conversations | UMich DASC Lab
Robustness in Deep Learning: From Adversarial Attacks to Certifiable Robustness
David Rosen - Certifiably Correct Machine Perception
Purdue Statistics Theme Seminar: Heng Huang "Distributed Machine Learning"
Michael Everett-Talk Title: Certifiable Learning Machines.
CSCI5980-DeepRob-Sp23: Guest Lecture 1: Segmenting Unseen Objects for Robotic Grasping - Yu Xiang
EC'22 Workshop Talk: Efficient Algorithms for Planning with Participation Constraints